DAT has tailored a presentation for law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical services, 911 dispatch, and emergency managers. It brings together education on disabilities while enhancing sensitivity. The presentation includes definitions, etiquette and interaction skills, the disabled perspective, challenging behaviors, and current trends and topics, all relevant to first responders.
For more information, visit frdat.niagara.edu.
Dave has a long history with emergency preparedness and response as it relates to individuals with disabilities. He has presented at the FEMA Get Real II conference as well as the New York State Emergency Managers Association. Dave chaired the NYS Independent Living Council’s emergency preparedness committee. He sits on the NYS Office of Emergency Management Human Service committee. He has accepted two invitations from FEMA to complete the Instructor’s Access and Functional Needs training, one of only 25 people in the nation to do this.
Orientation for Parents of Children with Disabilities
DAT has developed a presentation for parents to best understand all aspects of emergency services, support, preparedness, and outreach. How best do I inform my local police and fire department regarding my child’s needs? What is fire safety planning? Disaster preparedness planning takes on a different complexion, what do I need to do? My child wanders, how do I ensure his actions are not misconstrued? These and many other questions and concerns are addressed by Dave.
Workplace Emergency Preparedness
This program provides employers, from small businesses to corporations, with the details and information necessary to ensure employees and customers with disabilities needs are addressed prior to an emergency situation arises.
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FEMA App on the Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fema/id474807486?mt=8
FEMA App on Google Play for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.fema.mobile.android&hl=en